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Arles is a city (and a commune) in the Bouches-du-Rhône department in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur in the south of France. Arles is unique and difficult to compare with other cities in the south of France. It has so much to offer in various ways.


Arles is located in the south of France, that means that the sun shines here more than regular.  And that's also why they often speak of "Sunny Arles".


Arles has a rich history en was considered as one of the most important cities in the Roman history. Many Roman and Romance monuments are since 1981 a part of and protected by UNESCO.


The famous Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh lived in Arles from 1888 until 1889 and made more than 300 paintings that time, including some of his most famous artistic triumphs.


Arles is famous for his many photo-expositions and yearly international photofestival. Many photo enthusiasts come here to show their works, and/or to take a look at the works of others and/or to take some beautiful pictures of the ancient city Arles.


"La Camargue" is an enormous nature reserve located in the south of Arles and is famous for it's breeding place for flamingos.



You can find more information of Arles on the site of the tourism office with all the official information you need:

Vincent van Gogh


If Vincent van Gogh passed by your house, wouldn't YOU stop?


A night in the beginning of 1888, the 34 year old Vincent struggles his way through the Parisian boulevards. Intoxicated and soiled with a strong alcoholic tinted drink, named Absinthe. He grabs his fire in his pocket and lights a long cylindrical cancer stick, named cigarette.

Alcohol and tobacco, Vincents best friends and at the same time his worst enemies. In a miraculous way he managed to find his room. The sleep and rest will  please me, he though.


After a while, rest was far to find that night. The sore throat comes up and asks Vincent's attention. The fever strikes with a headache, chills and shivering from the cold. An ubearable backlash from last night that continued until the afternoon. Vincent realizes that he can't stay here any longer and makes a drastic decision. Paris is too big, too dangerous, too cold and too cramped. Also, he had the idea for a while to create an utopian art colony, something that's not possible in Paris according to him. He wants to leave, but where to go? He's looking for a safe and peaceful place, a place where the clouds do make room for the warm sunbeams. The south of France. He still wants to live in a city with the idea to establish an art colony, but which city offers all these qualities?


Arles. In the end of February 1888, Vincent packs his '"stuff" and moves to Arles. He settles into a room at the hotel-restaurant "Carrel". Vincent described Arles as "something else", an exotic world in itself. The local scenery, the beautiful sky and the bright light enchanted him so that he decided to paint his great and memorable works here. His interpretation of Arles reflects on his famous artistic triumphs.


Curious about this small pituresque town? Curious about Vincents further life here? Start your journey in Vincent van Goghs room!

Tel: (direction) (kitchen) (reception)  

23 rue Waldeck Rousseau

13200 Arles

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Festivals, Exhibitions & Events


les suds à Arles 2014 - Aubergine Rouge
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