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23 rue Waldeck Rousseau

13200 Arles / France

GPS Coordinates :

N, S  43°  40'  32.934''

E, O  4°    37'   17.537''



Aéroport Nîmes:

If you are coming from London, Liverpool, Rome or Brussels, we recommend you to fly to Nimes-Arles Airport which is only 15 minutes by car from home.  Upon request, we can offer you transport from the airport for €20 to Arles. You'll be welcomed by one of our enthusiastic taxi drivers.


Aéroport Marseille Provence :

From Marseille Provence airport you can take a free shuttle until "vitrolle aéroport"  and jump in the first train to Arles (direct in 37 minutes).



There is a free mini bus (navette) just in front of the train station. Take the bus with direction "Musée", and stop at "Grenier à Sel". Keep walking down the road and take a left at « rue Croix Rouge », continue down the road and take the second left which is "rue Waldeck Rousseau". Knock at number 23 and we will welcome you with a big smile at L'Aubergine Rouge.



Arles is very well connected with the S.N.C.F.

When you exit the station, you go straight on and join the Rhône.

From then on you follow the water flow. After the second bridge, just before the trees, you take the Rue Croix Rouge on the left, then the second on the left, called Rue Waldeck Rousseau, at the numer 23 (red door) you'll find us waiting for you!

The whole track will take inbetween 15-20 minutes.



From Northern Europe, Northern France or Spain: pass by NIMES then via highway A54 take exit 5 (sortie 5) towards ARLES city center where you park immediately under the

trees upon entering the city.
L’Aubergine Rouge is not far away. Our house,  23 rue Waldeck Rousseau is located in a pedestrian area but it's possible  to drop off your luggage before  to park your car.

From Marseille via highway A54:

Take exit 4 (sortie 4) where you continue to the roundabout and return to the highway A54 in the direction of MARSEILLE. Immediately after, you take exit 5 (sortie 5) and pass under the freeway to arrive in Arles. Park wherever you can find a place.



If you don't want to walk you can take a TACO taxi. The service will cost you less than 10 euros for 2 persons. Book your TACO  taxi at their bureau near the exit of the station or by sms: 00 33 650 29 60 00 (Damien)


Arles is located inbetween the trails towards St Jacques de Compostelle, Rome, Jérusalem.

Pelgrims are welcome at L'Aubergine Rouge and they benefit a preferential price by showing their credentials.

You can find all the information about the trails on the website and it's also possible to get the credentials on site.


Click here for more info



Location : Avignon (20 mn), Nimes (20mn), Montpellier (45 mn), Marseille (1h), Paris (4hrs) train.

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