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The Van Gogh, room n°3



-文森梵谷房Van Gogh's room: (€50/1-2人)



PS. 此房僅接受"手寫書信"預約!你有多久沒寫信了呢?想入住梵谷房請您親手寫信給Mr Vincent(英文、法文、西班牙文、義大利文,他還沒學會中文,但若附上翻譯也無不可) 地址請寄23 rue Waldeck Rousseau, 13200, Arles France


“My house here is painted the yellow colour of fresh butter on the outside, with glaringly green shutters;

it stands in full sunlight in a square that has a green garden with plane trees, oleanders and acacias.

It is completely whitewashed inside, with a floor made of red bricks. And over it there is the intensely blue sky.

In this house I can love and breathe, meditate and paint.”
                                                                                           Vincent van Gogh in The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton




Make your reservation for L'Aubergine Rouge just filling up the questions of contact with the dates of your stay.

We will answer as soon as possible.



We're happy to welcome you at L’Aubergine Rouge And we'll do everything to make your stay as beautiful as we can!






With pleasure!

Les z'Aubergistes....




Let's continue the visit together!

La Suite Céleste


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